The fax is still king in healthcare – and it’s not going away anytime soon

In a delightful twist of technological irony, the humble fax machine still reigns supreme in the healthcare sector, according to an article from Computerworld. Despite the digital revolution and the rise of electronic health records (EHRs), a large majority of healthcare providers, insurance payers, and pharmacies continue to rely on this aging technology for transmitting…

Privacy authorities launch fresh volley against healthcare faxing

Oh, the humble fax machine, a stalwart of communication in the healthcare industry, still chugging along despite the digital revolution. It’s like that old family car that just won’t quit, even when the shiny new models are beckoning from the showroom. But it seems our beloved fax is once again under fire, this time from…

The Fax Machine: An Unexpected Hero in COVID-19 Test Reimbursement

Well, folks, it seems our beloved fax machine is still holding its own in the digital age, and it’s not just for sending your favorite grandma’s soup recipe anymore. According to a recent analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), four out of thirteen major insurers are relying on good old snail mail and faxes…

Germany to miss deadline for full rollout of e-prescriptions

Germany to miss deadline for full rollout of e-prescriptions

The rollout of a fully fledged digital prescriptions system in Germany will not meet the legally binding deadline of Jan. 1, 2022 due to delayed testing and the lack of technological infrastructure, the health ministry said. Germany’s outdated healthcare system, where many doctors still communicate primarily by fax machine and paper, has come under criticism…

Digital Health: Scalpel, swab, and … fax machine?

Digital Health: Scalpel, swab, and … fax machine?

A recent study conducted by YouGov on behalf of ITK provider Avaya reveals interesting insights into digital communication within German hospitals. While exploring the extent of digital tools, it emerged that faxing is still a daily practice. 50 percent of hospital staff surveyed by YouGov disclosed that they fax daily, and an additional 18 percent…

Health care clings to faxes as US pushes electronic records

Health care clings to faxes as US pushes electronic records

At least 70% of health-care providers still exchange medical information by fax, according to federal officials, and some providers, such as nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities, rely heavily on the outdated technology. Electronic health records and other modern health IT tools hold much promise, but they under-deliver when it comes to moving information across…

Post on reddit /r/sysadmin: Fax – Why?

Post on reddit /r/sysadmin: Fax – Why?

Interesting responses to the “Fax – Why” question by multiple contributors on reddit: User HeadacheCentral says: The legal profession has a massive reluctance to move away from printed documents. HeadacheCentral User Giblet15 says: Fax is considered an acceptable medium to transmit information covered by HIPAA, email is not. Giblet15 User Serpentine-uk says: fax machines are…

The outdated machine hampering the fight against Covid-19

Major backlogs in processing patient data during the Covid-19 pandemic have called attention to a technology that continues to persist in various industries, including healthcare: the fax machine. In Austin, Texas, last June, the reporting and tracing of new Covid-19 cases became a challenge, in part due to an unanticipated issue with fax machines. As…

Japanese Hospitals File COVID cases by fax

Japanese Hospitals File COVID cases by fax

In a recent outpouring on social media, a respiratory medicine specialist in Japan expressed his frustration with the country’s legal requirement that hospitals complete paperwork on new coronavirus cases by hand and then fax it to public health centers. His tweet, stating “Come on, let’s stop this. Reporting cases in handwriting? Even with the coronavirus,…