A credit card authorization form is not something you fax every day, but sometimes it’s necessary to send one. This guide will walk you through the steps of how to fax a credit card authorization form so that the recipient will be able to process your payment.
What is a credit card authorization form
A credit card authorization form is a document that is used to authorize a credit card transaction. The form is typically filled out by the credit card holder and then faxed to a merchant’s fax number. It authorizes the merchant to charge the customer’s card for the amount of the purchase, as well as any applicable taxes and shipping fees. The form contains information such as the credit card number, expiration date, and billing address, and – most importantly – the credit card holder’s signature.
Why would I need to fax my credit card authorization form
There are many reasons why you might need to fax your credit card authorization form. One reason might be that you’re traveling and need to make a purchase while you’re away. In this case, you can fax the authorization form to the vendor so that they can process your purchase.
Another reason might be that you’re making a large purchase and don’t want to enter your credit card information into a website. By faxing the authorization form, you can ensure that the vendor has all of the information they need to process your purchase.
Another reason why you might need to fax your credit card details is if the charge needs to take place at a later point in time, such as when making a hotel or other travel booking. In this case, it’s likely that they will require a hard copy of your credit card information so they can store it until the time comes to charge it.
How do I fax the form
Since you’ll only be doing this occasionally, find yourself a one-time-use online fax service, such as payperfax.com, that won’t require you to register for an account or commit to a subscription. Upload your form scan to the service and enter the fax number you wish to fax the document to. It would be a good idea to use a cover page to address the document to exactly the right person. Review any costs and send it off.
Sending a fax might seem like an antiquated and outdated way to send information, but it’s still the only medium some companies will accept. But faxing authorization forms has never been easier. With the help of PayPerFax, you can fax your document domestically or internationally at an affordable price with no obligation whatsoever.